Pakistan is a diverse, populous country. It attracts tourists with its historical heritage and its culture, although there are several factors that repel foreign investors. “Bad” factors:

  • Neighborhood of poverty with luxury;
  • political instability of the country.

The real estate of the country is diverse. Here you can find dilapidated dwellings on the outskirts of towns, and large, beautiful villas, which are located on special land plots intended for the construction of luxury real estate. As you understand, the prices for objects are also different. Despite such a large price range, at the moment the country is experiencing a shortage of houses and infrastructure of various levels.

Real estate in Pakistan: sale and purchase

Now the process of buying objects by foreign citizens who are not residents of the country is in the process of regulation aimed at liberalization (and significant).

Pakistani legislation plans to introduce a series of reforms that are designed to increase the momentum for investment in commercial projects and local housing.

Now residents of other countries who have decided to buy Pakistani real estate very often resort to the services of legal and real estate companies that assist in the purchase of land or real estate.
In addition to various “workaround” methods with the registration of a legal entity that acts as an investor, schemes based on family ties are very popular and successful.

Property in Pakistan: rent

The largest part of the proposals for renting real estate is concentrated in the south of the country, in particular by the sea (Arabian). Given the fact that gray schemes are very often used when concluding a contract, only a few hundred euros will have to be paid for renting an apartment (average prices start from this indicator).

At the same time, to rent a house, which is within walking distance from the coast, you will need a thousand euros or one and a half.

Apartments in Pakistan

In addition to the above-mentioned southern regions, foreign citizens are considering the possibility of buying local real estate, very often they pay attention to the metropolitan agglomeration, which is located in the northern (that is, in the opposite) part of the country.
Prices for apartments in all regions of the country are approximately the same. On average, for housing of average quality (small in area), you need to pay 60 thousand euros.

In addition to wealthy investors from neighboring countries, apartments in this country are bought by foreign citizens for the purpose of resale.

Houses in Pakistan

Within the entire territory of the country, the sector of private housing construction is less developed. At the same time, the number of transactions for the sale of houses is growing every year, and overtaking the apartment market. Let’s single out several main reasons that provide such an increase in transactions with houses. Firstly, it is a large number of large developers, the number of which is increasing every year. Secondly, this is the fact that the solvency of the population is regularly increasing.

To buy a house in this country, you need approximately 100 thousand euros (this is an estimated cost). Note that the cost of luxury villas can reach up to half a million euros.

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